Our Loyal Order of Moose is dedicated to our communities. Members of the lodge volunteer their time and skills for a variety of projects to raise funds. Moose activities provide comfort and solutions to people who often don’t know who the Moose are or what they do. The organization's emphasis on community serves as the macrocosm for the microcosm of family activities, community service projects, and more. With a variety of community projects, the Lodge is nonsectarian and nonpolitical.
In full cooperation with the Loyal Order of Moose Supreme Council and the Women of the Moose Grand Council, we have launched a unified and new Moose membership. Women and men enjoy equal membership in the new "One Moose" Lodge rights, privileges, opportunities and a vote in Lodge business and activities. All active Loyal Order of Moose and Women of the Moose members will become members in the new Moose Lodge, governed by a new set of General Laws, on May 1, 2021.
What we do:
Two of the international order's long-term projects, and by extension its local chapters, are Mooseheart and Moosehaven. Moosehaven, located in Florida, is a 65-acre retirement community. The community has apartments, a bowling alley, an indoor pool, a grocery store, a beauty parlor, and a medical facility, among other amenities. About 400 people live at Moosehaven.
As with Moosehaven, Mooseheart was designed for self-sufficiency. Children who have been orphaned by one or both parents, or who are undergoing a specific situation, are provided complete living arrangements at the 1,200-acre setting, which is located 35 miles outside of Chicago.
Mooseheart is home to approximately 250 children at any one time. Since its founding in 1913, Mooseheart has served over 11,000 children. Like Moosehaven, it has on-site access to a bank, a school, a health center, a post office, and housing. In addition to education, children receive vocational training and religious instruction, where all faiths are respected.
Locally, the lodge supports sock drives for veterans and those with diabetes, winter-coat donations, supplies for local schools. We offer low-cost rent to non-profits, most recently Vibe of Portland, an arts and music organization offering affordable arts instruction to the community. We host fundraising dinners and breakfasts for local schools, sports teams, and community groups.